1 Aralık 2013 Pazar

Applıcations of Logarithms

pH ve pOH

         Aqueous solution [H +] and [OH-] concentration is usually very small concentrations to facilitate                 transactions by taking the base-10 logarithm of negative concentrations are expressed in                               integers .Logarithmic expressions that are used in calculations. Aqueous solution [H +] ion concentration       minus the base-10 logarithm.


         Frequencies of the notes are arranged in a system log. Piano's thick (la) sound frequency is 27,5 hertz.
       If the reference value is 27.5, and the array If the logarithm base 2 we obtain the following value
       è0,1,2,3,4,5,6, ve 7.. Notes using different coatings for different frequencies is possible to obtain logarithmic.

         Logarithms occur in several laws describing human perception:Hicks law proposes a logarithmic relation between the time individuals take for choosing an alternative and the number of choices they have. Fitts's law predicts that the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a logarithmic function of the distance to and the size of the target. In psychophysıcs, the Weber Fechner proposes a logarithmic relationship between stimulus and sensation. such as the actual vs. the perceived weight of an item a person is carrying. (This "law", however, is less precise than more recent models, such as the Steven's power law.)
  Watch the video about applications of logarithms.

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